About Me

Hi, my name is Ben, and I was born in Hobart, Tasmania. I grew up on a small property outside of Hobart, which certainly contributed, along with adventurous parents, to my love of the outdoors. Said adventurous parents bought a 20 seater bus and decided to travel around Australia for several years when I was 7 years old, so we rented our house out, my sister and I did Distance Education, and we had the journey of a lifetime. This journey cemented my love of travel and adventure, and as soon as I finished school (and a bit of Uni) I headed off travelling. I've been back a couple of times since, and every time makes me miss Tasmania more. If you ever get the chance to visit, do. It's an amazing place, with beautiful people and beautiful scenery. In some ways it's still a little bit backward and in some ways a little bit better off for its backwardness. It will always hold a special place in my heart, but for now the metropolitan circus of culture that calls itself Berlin binds me to Europe and further adventures.  

How To Lose Yourself is my way of keeping track of my travels. I've always loved writing, so I figured I could keep a bit of a log, and if it inspires people to book a flight, train, bus, or just stick out a thumb and hitch, I'll be a happy guy. Travelling is something I feel everyone should do, it really opens your eyes to what the world has to offer and makes you think more about everything, not just new places and ideas, but also your preconceptions and stereotypes. So go out, travel, meet new people, share meals, ideas, and a good laugh. And hey, if you have a story to tell, drop me a line!

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